Living in Playa del Carmen vs. Cozumel

When choosing where to live as an expat I used to think that Playa del Carmen and it’s island neighbor Cozumel were like two parts of the same city connected by a ferry. They are both Continue reading
When choosing where to live as an expat I used to think that Playa del Carmen and it’s island neighbor Cozumel were like two parts of the same city connected by a ferry. They are both Continue reading
Last night we did something I have wanted to do for years: we witnessed a green sea turtle laying her eggs on the beach. Continue reading
First I accidentally sent my 6-year-old to college. Or at least it felt that way. Continue reading
So when we moved to Cozumel I was under the impression that there were only crocodiles way down south in Punta Sur, the eco-park on the south end of the island. It seems that I was wrong. Continue reading
I’m going to be back in Mexico this August for a Blogging Boot Camp with Marginal Boundaries in Palenque, then staying on for the TBEX Travel Blogging Conference in Cancun. In between I’m going to be researching in Cozumel in preparation for our move there next year. With all this moving around I considered renting a car, but previous experience makes me more inclined to take my chances on the bus. Continue reading
Jason and I first visited the island of Cozumel in 2012 as part of a mission trip group with Friends of Cozumel. After we came back I wrote a trip review for Independent Traveler complete with hotel, restaurant, grocery stores and entertainment information, as well as our first drift diving experience. I rediscovered it today-talk about nostalgia! Continue reading