The Sounds of Mexico

A friend once told me that in Mexico “we live loud.” Most of the time I don’t mind it, but there are a few things that I am hoping will not follow us when we finally move to our new house. Continue reading
A friend once told me that in Mexico “we live loud.” Most of the time I don’t mind it, but there are a few things that I am hoping will not follow us when we finally move to our new house. Continue reading
The last time we visited Cozumel June turned six and Rory had just turned four. June was pretty good at snorkeling with a life jacket on, but she was a little scared to go out over her head and Rory had no interest in it at all. Fast forward a few years and things have changed. Continue reading
It’s back-to-school time! So does that mean I have to start actively Worldschooling on the same schedule? Do we even still want to Worldschool? I’m having a moment of doubt in the face of all the back-to-school shopping and hysteria popping up in my daily feed. Continue reading
Now that we’ve moved to Mexico one question is being asked over and over: But How is the Cat?
Before I answer, a little background. Stormy is about 10 years old. We got her from Continue reading
A week into living in Cozumel and we’re already taking trips to the mainland! We spent the weekend in Tulum visiting our friends Will and Cate of The Life Nomadic before they move to Mexico City.
All we own for transportation right now is feet, so how did we get to Tulum from Cozumel? Continue reading
Hola friends! It’s been a week since we arrived in Mexico, and we’re starting to settle in. The food here is excellent, but we can’t dine out every night so I started cooking meals the last few days. Continue reading
We made it to Mexico. Unfortunately, the internet at our house died the day before we arrived, so forgive my silence dear reader as we have had some kinks to work out (aren’t there always?) Hope you weren’t worried.
Moving to a tropical island sounds lovely, but the reality of living here Continue reading
It’s the day before we head to Mexico to spend the next year living there.
It’s getting late but we’re re-packing again and really hating airline weight limits. Try to pack your entire life into the luggage allotment of one checked and one carry on piece and suddenly you realize Continue reading
It’s been a bumpy ride here in the Ozarks, literally and figuratively. I no longer have the stomach for the curvy roller coaster roads and neither do my Iowa children-thank goodness for Bonine (like Dramamine but it doesn’t knock you out.) Here’s an update on what we’ve been up to: Continue reading
Hey ya’ll! We are in Arkansas visiting my parents and my dad’s side of the family before we move to Mexico (only 9 days!)
When describing my relatives in Arkansas I often tell people this: “You know the guys who step out of the woods wearing overalls and carrying a shotgun and say “Whatchu doin’ here boy?” That is my family.” Continue reading